That's a wrap
Today's problem I wasn't sure how to tackle at first, but the first meandering idea I had, worked; thankfully.
Basically, we have to split a graph into two subgraphs, so that the two subgraphs are connected to each other by exactly three connections.
I chose to represent my graph the same as two days ago, as a Vec<Vec<usize>>
, where graph[n]
are the nodes reachable from node n
The method I picked is relatively simple in concept, I think. We pick any arbitrary node as part of subgraph 1, keeping track of all nodes directly adjacent to it; and then we grow subgraph 1 by the neighbour that adds the fewest new reachable nodes.
I call the subgraph I'm building the "blob" (because it's amorphous and it grows?), and the border, well, "border". We keep growing the blob until the border is size 3.
let g = parse(input).ok_or("no parse")?;
let mut blob = HashSet::from([0]);
let mut border: HashSet<usize> = HashSet::from_iter(g[0].iter().copied());
while border.len() > 3 {
// Find the node that would introduce the least new border nodes.
let item = *border
.min_by_key(|&&n| g[n].iter().filter(|conn| !blob.contains(conn)).count())
// Move the node from border to blob.
// Add connections outside the blob to the border.
for &conn in g[item].iter() {
if !blob.contains(&conn) {
I'm not sure this method is guaranteed to work; didn't exactly prove it, I was just messing around with ideas. But, either way, we end up with blob
containing all nodes in subgraph 1, and border
containing exactly 3 elements.
Since subgraph 2 is simply all nodes not in subgraph 1, we can find the final result with a quick (g.len() - blob.len()) * blob.len()
Pretty happy to have finished another year, doing each day as it came.
In a few days, I think I'll write a short summary of my thoughts; since this was all a ploy to get used to writing code in Neovim (even though I stopped bringing it up!), I should probably mention how that's going, too!